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Wow trick drums.
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Canada Dark


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:09 pm   Post subject: Wow trick drums. Reply with quote

Have any of you seen this equipment? The Trick Dominator pedal looks effin sweet.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:22 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

The minute I saw Orange County Choppers that was enough for me to hit the X to exit the page. Anyone associated with those idiots is too stupid to bother with. Mad
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:52 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

cjjeepercreeper wrote:
Anyone associated with those idiots is too stupid to bother with. :mad:

I agree on this, CJ, I don't like OCC either. But those pedals look quite good.
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Canada Dark


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:09 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

cjjeepercreeper wrote:
The minute I saw Orange County Choppers that was enough for me to hit the X to exit the page. Anyone associated with those idiots is too stupid to bother with. Mad

Do u have your head up your ass for the warmth? Im not even talking about the OCC bullshit. And if you had half a brain you would have ignored it and enjoyed those beautiful sexy pedals...mmmm im getting horny... yeah u want my pedals dont you u dirty bitch?
Afghanistan DOSphantom

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 2:26 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Fuck that is some solid looking stuff. True machining, not just some cheaply casted aluminium, Made in China.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:33 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Could someone explain to a non-yankee the why of such a love for OCC?
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:16 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Pesadelo wrote:
Could someone explain to a non-yankee the why of such a love for OCC?

Because, as the home page says, they do extreme engineering? I am not a yankee and I like OCC (waits for the general "eeeewwwwww"). Why? Simple: it takes brains and guts to do custom stuff. Isn't everyone tired of anonymous mass-produced stuff that's designed to break after a certain amount of time?

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:55 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

diginferno wrote:
Pesadelo wrote:
Could someone explain to a non-yankee the why of such a love for OCC?

Because, as the home page says, they do extreme engineering? I am not a yankee and I like OCC (waits for the general "eeeewwwwww"). Why? Simple: it takes brains and guts to do custom stuff. Isn't everyone tired of anonymous mass-produced stuff that's designed to break after a certain amount of time?

This. Digi is the only intelleigent person here. Cuz shes a woman and women arent stupid like men, or Pesa and CJ (LOLOLOLOL)

OCC makes custom bikes from nothing and so does trick... the only problems is the pedals are about $600 each and the dbl kick pedal are about $1200. WICKED EXPENSIVE
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:16 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Dark wrote:
the only problems is the pedals are about $600 each and the dbl kick pedal are about $1200. WICKED EXPENSIVE

Quality comes with a price, but at least you know what you're paying for.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:17 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you, digi. Your explanation is logical (thus makes sense) although it does not matches CJ's anger on those guys.

Would them have made something to Brad?
USA Corpseswillburn
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:43 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Trick Drums in general make some pretty sick hardware. If only I weren't broke...
I use an Axis A2 on my kit, about $500, still fast and responsive as hell.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:12 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

So a quick question to all the drummers here, are there really big differences concerning the drum pedals? I'm just asking because our drummer is still using a pretty basic pedal AFAIK. Maybe he could get more drive with a better pedal although he is very good with the one he is using at the moment.

And as a second question, do you prefer playing a double-pedal for faster bass-drum playing or do you prefer having two bassdrums with a single pedal for each?
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Canada Dark


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:04 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Dami wrote:
So a quick question to all the drummers here, are there really big differences concerning the drum pedals? I'm just asking because our drummer is still using a pretty basic pedal AFAIK. Maybe he could get more drive with a better pedal although he is very good with the one he is using at the moment.

And as a second question, do you prefer playing a double-pedal for faster bass-drum playing or do you prefer having two bassdrums with a single pedal for each?

The thing with these pedals is there is a Linkage instead of a chaing with a roller for torque. I for one have not tried them, but afaik the linkage results in no lag and quicker response.

The tension spring in the Axis pedals are supposedly the strogest you can get anywhere on any pedal. And another thing they have going for that pedal is the longboard... it gives you much more area to work with and use according to the torqe and pivot on the pedal.
Yes another thing for the Axis is they are extremly adjustable, which is why very fast drummer (Gerogle Kollias, Derek Roddy, Pete Sadnval, and Flo Mounier) use them.

Trick is the same way more of less but i have never seen one close for study. And they have a coil spring with it somthing i ahve really read up on either.

For the aspect of drumming with dbl pedals compared to 2 single the singe is probably the best. Because no matter how much of an awesome pedal you have there will still be a slight lag and less of a respons from the slave pedal. Again another reason why the speedy drummers use 2 bass drums with 2 independent pedals.

Final thought. Yes those expensive pedals are alot better... but for $600 or more for a pair get a nice set of Iron Cobra or Pearl Eliminator's. 2 bass drums with 2 independent pedals will always be better then a dbl kick pedal.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:58 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

i wish i could get a new pedal, i still have my dixon double kick.

but ive gotten better
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:20 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Just got my new Trick Bigfoot Double pedals instead Axis...Amazing. Axis - is just speed. Trick=Speed+Attack Power! The best pedal I've ever played
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